Now we can,to a greater extent define E-waste as "Wastes whole or in part,comprising of or derived from used electrical and electronic equipments that are not fit for its original use and are destined to for refurbishment,recycling or disposal and it shall include but not confined to the wastes listed in the schedule annexed to these rules"
These may take some more time to come into action/implementation,but I think finally we are moving in right direction.
E-waste has always been a hot topic.and many of the companies are targeted for the way they manage the e-waste.The pioneer in this has been the green peace.We all know the series of protests organised by them against the mis-management of E-waste.
You can expect to see lot more posts by me on E-waste,but I wanted this post to be a starter.
In India Ministry of Environment and forests has been leading the way legislations have been developed.Atlast now we are seeing some lights.
The main issue was not of just legislations,it was about infrastructures to support this legislation.Starting Yr 2005 there were very few recyclers,who had the knowlegde of E waste recycling.In those days the E-waste was categorised as Schedule 31.1 in Hazardous waste Rules 2003.As the scenario and awareness changed,more and more recyclers started coming into India.I thought in this post Let me give you names and contacts of few

1.E-Parisaraa in Bangalore
2.Tes-Amm in Chennai
3.Trishyiraya Recyclers( Now SIMS) in Chennai
4.TIC Group in Noida
You can expect from me more posts on E-wastes in future.
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